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Makefile | 2009-09-09 | 11.8 KB | 389 lines |
- # ==========================================================================
- # Building
- # ==========================================================================
- src := $(obj)
- PHONY := __build
- __build:
- # Init all relevant variables used in kbuild files so
- # 1) they have correct type
- # 2) they do not inherit any value from the environment
- obj-y :=
- obj-m :=
- lib-y :=
- lib-m :=
- always :=
- targets :=
- subdir-y :=
- subdir-m :=
- asflags-y :=
- ccflags-y :=
- cppflags-y :=
- ldflags-y :=
- subdir-asflags-y :=
- subdir-ccflags-y :=
- # Read auto.conf if it exists, otherwise ignore
- -include include/config/auto.conf
- include scripts/Kbuild.include
- # For backward compatibility check that these variables do not change
- save-cflags := $(CFLAGS)
- # The filename Kbuild has precedence over Makefile
- kbuild-dir := $(if $(filter /%,$(src)),$(src),$(srctree)/$(src))
- kbuild-file := $(if $(wildcard $(kbuild-dir)/Kbuild),$(kbuild-dir)/Kbuild,$(kbuild-dir)/Makefile)
- include $(kbuild-file)
- # If the save-* variables changed error out
- ifneq ("$(save-cflags)","$(CFLAGS)")
- $(error CFLAGS was changed in "$(kbuild-file)". Fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS)
- endif
- endif
- include scripts/Makefile.lib
- ifdef host-progs
- ifneq ($(hostprogs-y),$(host-progs))
- $(warning kbuild: $(obj)/Makefile - Usage of host-progs is deprecated. Please replace with hostprogs-y!)
- hostprogs-y += $(host-progs)
- endif
- endif
- # Do not include host rules unless needed
- ifneq ($(hostprogs-y)$(hostprogs-m),)
- include scripts/Makefile.host
- endif
- ifneq ($(KBUILD_SRC),)
- # Create output directory if not already present
- _dummy := $(shell [ -d $(obj) ] || mkdir -p $(obj))
- # Create directories for object files if directory does not exist
- # Needed when obj-y := dir/file.o syntax is used
- _dummy := $(foreach d,$(obj-dirs), $(shell [ -d $(d) ] || mkdir -p $(d)))
- endif
- ifndef obj
- $(warning kbuild: Makefile.build is included improperly)
- endif
- # ===========================================================================
- ifneq ($(strip $(lib-y) $(lib-m) $(lib-n) $(lib-)),)
- lib-target := $(obj)/lib.a
- endif
- ifneq ($(strip $(obj-y) $(obj-m) $(obj-n) $(obj-) $(lib-target)),)
- builtin-target := $(obj)/built-in.o
- endif
- modorder-target := $(obj)/modules.order
- # We keep a list of all modules in $(MODVERDIR)
- __build: $(if $(KBUILD_BUILTIN),$(builtin-target) $(lib-target) $(extra-y)) \
- $(if $(KBUILD_MODULES),$(obj-m) $(modorder-target)) \
- $(subdir-ym) $(always)
- @:
- # Linus' kernel sanity checking tool
- ifneq ($(KBUILD_CHECKSRC),0)
- ifeq ($(KBUILD_CHECKSRC),2)
- quiet_cmd_force_checksrc = CHECK $<
- cmd_force_checksrc = $(CHECK) $(CHECKFLAGS) $(c_flags) $< ;
- else
- quiet_cmd_checksrc = CHECK $<
- cmd_checksrc = $(CHECK) $(CHECKFLAGS) $(c_flags) $< ;
- endif
- endif
- # Do section mismatch analysis for each module/built-in.o
- cmd_secanalysis = ; scripts/mod/modpost $@
- endif
- # Compile C sources (.c)
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Default is built-in, unless we know otherwise
- modkern_cflags = $(if $(part-of-module), $(CFLAGS_MODULE), $(CFLAGS_KERNEL))
- quiet_modtag := $(empty) $(empty)
- $(real-objs-m) : part-of-module := y
- $(real-objs-m:.o=.i) : part-of-module := y
- $(real-objs-m:.o=.s) : part-of-module := y
- $(real-objs-m:.o=.lst): part-of-module := y
- $(real-objs-m) : quiet_modtag := [M]
- $(real-objs-m:.o=.i) : quiet_modtag := [M]
- $(real-objs-m:.o=.s) : quiet_modtag := [M]
- $(real-objs-m:.o=.lst): quiet_modtag := [M]
- $(obj-m) : quiet_modtag := [M]
- # Default for not multi-part modules
- modname = $(basetarget)
- $(multi-objs-m) : modname = $(modname-multi)
- $(multi-objs-m:.o=.i) : modname = $(modname-multi)
- $(multi-objs-m:.o=.s) : modname = $(modname-multi)
- $(multi-objs-m:.o=.lst) : modname = $(modname-multi)
- $(multi-objs-y) : modname = $(modname-multi)
- $(multi-objs-y:.o=.i) : modname = $(modname-multi)
- $(multi-objs-y:.o=.s) : modname = $(modname-multi)
- $(multi-objs-y:.o=.lst) : modname = $(modname-multi)
- quiet_cmd_cc_s_c = CC $(quiet_modtag) $@
- cmd_cc_s_c = $(CC) $(c_flags) -fverbose-asm -S -o $@ $<
- $(obj)/%.s: $(src)/%.c FORCE
- $(call if_changed_dep,cc_s_c)
- quiet_cmd_cc_i_c = CPP $(quiet_modtag) $@
- cmd_cc_i_c = $(CPP) $(c_flags) -o $@ $<
- $(obj)/%.i: $(src)/%.c FORCE
- $(call if_changed_dep,cc_i_c)
- cmd_gensymtypes = \
- $(CPP) -D__GENKSYMS__ $(c_flags) $< | \
- $(GENKSYMS) -T $@ -a $(ARCH) \
- $(if $(KBUILD_PRESERVE),-p) \
- $(if $(1),-r $(firstword $(wildcard $(@:.symtypes=.symref) /dev/null)))
- quiet_cmd_cc_symtypes_c = SYM $(quiet_modtag) $@
- cmd_cc_symtypes_c = \
- set -e; \
- $(call cmd_gensymtypes, true) >/dev/null; \
- test -s $@ || rm -f $@
- $(obj)/%.symtypes : $(src)/%.c FORCE
- $(call cmd,cc_symtypes_c)
- # C (.c) files
- # The C file is compiled and updated dependency information is generated.
- # (See cmd_cc_o_c + relevant part of rule_cc_o_c)
- quiet_cmd_cc_o_c = CC $(quiet_modtag) $@
- cmd_cc_o_c = $(CC) $(c_flags) -c -o $@ $<
- else
- # When module versioning is enabled the following steps are executed:
- # o compile a .tmp_<file>.o from <file>.c
- # o if .tmp_<file>.o doesn't contain a __ksymtab version, i.e. does
- # not export symbols, we just rename .tmp_<file>.o to <file>.o and
- # are done.
- # o otherwise, we calculate symbol versions using the good old
- # genksyms on the preprocessed source and postprocess them in a way
- # that they are usable as a linker script
- # o generate <file>.o from .tmp_<file>.o using the linker to
- # replace the unresolved symbols __crc_exported_symbol with
- # the actual value of the checksum generated by genksyms
- cmd_cc_o_c = $(CC) $(c_flags) -c -o $(@D)/.tmp_$(@F) $<
- cmd_modversions = \
- if $(OBJDUMP) -h $(@D)/.tmp_$(@F) | grep -q __ksymtab; then \
- $(call cmd_gensymtypes, $(KBUILD_SYMTYPES)) \
- > $(@D)/.tmp_$(@F:.o=.ver); \
- \
- $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -r -o $@ $(@D)/.tmp_$(@F) \
- -T $(@D)/.tmp_$(@F:.o=.ver); \
- rm -f $(@D)/.tmp_$(@F) $(@D)/.tmp_$(@F:.o=.ver); \
- else \
- mv -f $(@D)/.tmp_$(@F) $@; \
- fi;
- endif
- cmd_record_mcount = perl $(srctree)/scripts/recordmcount.pl "$(ARCH)" \
- "$(if $(CONFIG_64BIT),64,32)" \
- "$(OBJDUMP)" "$(OBJCOPY)" "$(CC)" "$(LD)" "$(NM)" "$(RM)" "$(MV)" \
- "$(if $(part-of-module),1,0)" "$(@)";
- endif
- define rule_cc_o_c
- $(call echo-cmd,checksrc) $(cmd_checksrc) \
- $(call echo-cmd,cc_o_c) $(cmd_cc_o_c); \
- $(cmd_modversions) \
- $(cmd_record_mcount) \
- scripts/basic/fixdep $(depfile) $@ '$(call make-cmd,cc_o_c)' > \
- $(dot-target).tmp; \
- rm -f $(depfile); \
- mv -f $(dot-target).tmp $(dot-target).cmd
- endef
- # Built-in and composite module parts
- $(obj)/%.o: $(src)/%.c FORCE
- $(call cmd,force_checksrc)
- $(call if_changed_rule,cc_o_c)
- # Single-part modules are special since we need to mark them in $(MODVERDIR)
- $(single-used-m): $(obj)/%.o: $(src)/%.c FORCE
- $(call cmd,force_checksrc)
- $(call if_changed_rule,cc_o_c)
- @{ echo $(@:.o=.ko); echo $@; } > $(MODVERDIR)/$(@F:.o=.mod)
- quiet_cmd_cc_lst_c = MKLST $@
- cmd_cc_lst_c = $(CC) $(c_flags) -g -c -o $*.o $< && \
- $(CONFIG_SHELL) $(srctree)/scripts/makelst $*.o \
- System.map $(OBJDUMP) > $@
- $(obj)/%.lst: $(src)/%.c FORCE
- $(call if_changed_dep,cc_lst_c)
- # Compile assembler sources (.S)
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- modkern_aflags := $(AFLAGS_KERNEL)
- $(real-objs-m) : modkern_aflags := $(AFLAGS_MODULE)
- $(real-objs-m:.o=.s): modkern_aflags := $(AFLAGS_MODULE)
- quiet_cmd_as_s_S = CPP $(quiet_modtag) $@
- cmd_as_s_S = $(CPP) $(a_flags) -o $@ $<
- $(obj)/%.s: $(src)/%.S FORCE
- $(call if_changed_dep,as_s_S)
- quiet_cmd_as_o_S = AS $(quiet_modtag) $@
- cmd_as_o_S = $(CC) $(a_flags) -c -o $@ $<
- $(obj)/%.o: $(src)/%.S FORCE
- $(call if_changed_dep,as_o_S)
- targets += $(real-objs-y) $(real-objs-m) $(lib-y)
- targets += $(extra-y) $(MAKECMDGOALS) $(always)
- # Linker scripts preprocessor (.lds.S -> .lds)
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- quiet_cmd_cpp_lds_S = LDS $@
- cmd_cpp_lds_S = $(CPP) $(cpp_flags) -D__ASSEMBLY__ -o $@ $<
- $(obj)/%.lds: $(src)/%.lds.S FORCE
- $(call if_changed_dep,cpp_lds_S)
- # Build the compiled-in targets
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # To build objects in subdirs, we need to descend into the directories
- $(sort $(subdir-obj-y)): $(subdir-ym) ;
- #
- # Rule to compile a set of .o files into one .o file
- #
- ifdef builtin-target
- quiet_cmd_link_o_target = LD $@
- # If the list of objects to link is empty, just create an empty built-in.o
- cmd_link_o_target = $(if $(strip $(obj-y)),\
- $(LD) $(ld_flags) -r -o $@ $(filter $(obj-y), $^) \
- $(cmd_secanalysis),\
- rm -f $@; $(AR) rcs $@)
- $(builtin-target): $(obj-y) FORCE
- $(call if_changed,link_o_target)
- targets += $(builtin-target)
- endif # builtin-target
- #
- # Rule to create modules.order file
- #
- # Create commands to either record .ko file or cat modules.order from
- # a subdirectory
- modorder-cmds = \
- $(foreach m, $(modorder), \
- $(if $(filter %/modules.order, $m), \
- cat $m;, echo kernel/$m;))
- $(modorder-target): $(subdir-ym) FORCE
- $(Q)(cat /dev/null; $(modorder-cmds)) > $@
- #
- # Rule to compile a set of .o files into one .a file
- #
- ifdef lib-target
- quiet_cmd_link_l_target = AR $@
- cmd_link_l_target = rm -f $@; $(AR) rcs $@ $(lib-y)
- $(lib-target): $(lib-y) FORCE
- $(call if_changed,link_l_target)
- targets += $(lib-target)
- endif
- #
- # Rule to link composite objects
- #
- # Composite objects are specified in kbuild makefile as follows:
- # <composite-object>-objs := <list of .o files>
- # or
- # <composite-object>-y := <list of .o files>
- link_multi_deps = \
- $(filter $(addprefix $(obj)/, \
- $($(subst $(obj)/,,$(@:.o=-objs))) \
- $($(subst $(obj)/,,$(@:.o=-y)))), $^)
- quiet_cmd_link_multi-y = LD $@
- cmd_link_multi-y = $(LD) $(ld_flags) -r -o $@ $(link_multi_deps) $(cmd_secanalysis)
- quiet_cmd_link_multi-m = LD [M] $@
- cmd_link_multi-m = $(cmd_link_multi-y)
- # We would rather have a list of rules like
- # foo.o: $(foo-objs)
- # but that's not so easy, so we rather make all composite objects depend
- # on the set of all their parts
- $(multi-used-y) : %.o: $(multi-objs-y) FORCE
- $(call if_changed,link_multi-y)
- $(multi-used-m) : %.o: $(multi-objs-m) FORCE
- $(call if_changed,link_multi-m)
- @{ echo $(@:.o=.ko); echo $(link_multi_deps); } > $(MODVERDIR)/$(@F:.o=.mod)
- targets += $(multi-used-y) $(multi-used-m)
- # Descending
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PHONY += $(subdir-ym)
- $(subdir-ym):
- $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=$@
- # Add FORCE to the prequisites of a target to force it to be always rebuilt.
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Read all saved command lines and dependencies for the $(targets) we
- # may be building above, using $(if_changed{,_dep}). As an
- # optimization, we don't need to read them if the target does not
- # exist, we will rebuild anyway in that case.
- targets := $(wildcard $(sort $(targets)))
- cmd_files := $(wildcard $(foreach f,$(targets),$(dir $(f)).$(notdir $(f)).cmd))
- ifneq ($(cmd_files),)
- include $(cmd_files)
- endif
- # Declare the contents of the .PHONY variable as phony. We keep that
- # information in a variable se we can use it in if_changed and friends.